¡ö ½â¾ö»îÐÔȾÁÏȾɫ²»¹»ÉîÎÊÌâ(Solve the problem of insufficient dyeing depth with reactive dyes)
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--------High build up property, high dye rate, high fixation rate, and good dyeing depth.
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Solve the saturation problem of reactive dye dyeing
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--------Ultra high strength, compared to the highest strength of dyes currently used in the market, black is 20% higher, and other colors are 40-50% higher, achieving the current ultimate strength.
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Solve the problem of one-time success rate
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--------Good compatibility, good levelness, good reproducibility, small sudden staining phenomenon after adding alkali, and high success rate of color matching in one dyeing.
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Solving the problem of printing and dyeing wastewater
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--------The dyes have been refined with high purity and few impurities. Easy to wash with water and less wastewater.
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Multiple uses of one material, reducing variety
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--------It can be used for exhaustion dyeing, continuous dyeing, cold pad-batch dyeing, and low- temperature dyeing.